Wednesday, June 26, 2013

X-Training Bootcamp Style

"The best laid [plans] of mice and men often go astray" - Robert Burns. I had planned to write about transitioning to swimming from other sports today, but real world events interfered and I want to talk about my workout this weekend.
Jogging after playing tennis.

I had the "pleasure" of trying out a bootcamp style workout while traveling. Let me just say that I have not worked out that intensely since high school swimming. It is two days later and I am still sore! As a triathlete - who really only swims, bikes, runs, and occasionally plays tennis or lifts weights - it got me thinking more about cross-training, recovery, injury, and expanding my potential.

I would like to try at least one bodyweight/bootcamp/Crossfit/etc. style training day a week and see how that affects my triathlon/running race training. Given I am not very well versed on this, I would love to have input from people who have do these kinds of workouts regularly and what they recommend for workouts and recovery. I have heard horror stories of injuries so I would like to avoid doing anything too overly taxing in the beginning.

Comments/suggestions requested here or on the Facebook page.


  1. As someone who does high intensity workouts on a regular basis, the time I am most prone to getting hurt is when I am either A) coming off of a break, or B) training less regularly.

    I think training once a week is going to put stress on your body every week, while not allowing your body to become accustom to the intensity. To me, this is a recipe for injury.

    My personal opinion is to just increase the intensity across the board. It always sucks for the first few weeks, but your body will adjust. That adjustment is growth and good.

    Try shooting for 2-3 times a week.

    Good luck!

    1. That is something I had not considered! Very good point.
